Category Archives: Music

Spinning Signs Meets Daft Punk’s “Lose Yourself to Dance”

Words via Hypebeast:

“In this latest clip, California street dancers Erik Argote, Kadeem Johnson, Justin Brown and Ray Rivera take their distinctive styles further with “Daft Signz.” Performing Daft Punk‘s “Lose Yourself to Dance” while maneuvering massive signs with the song title in various modifications, “Daft Signz” sees the cohort take on the side streets of Los Angeles to entertain passerbys. In addition to seeing the art of sign spinning in full force, we also get a glimpse at the dynamic streets of Los Angeles, where creative outlets such as this are far from uncommon.”

X-Men vs. Invisibl Skratch Piklz – Part 1 (Video)

The homie Logan always finds the nostalgic shit!  Check out this old school DJ battle between The X-Men (Roc Raida, Rob Swift, & Mista Sinista) and one of the most influential crews to most turntablists in the world, the Invisibl Skratch Piklz (Q-Bert, Mixmaster Mike, and Shortkut).  So dope!

Q-Tip Not Supporting Michael Rapaport’s A Tribe Called Quest Documentary

Actor, Michael Rapaport, has been making a documentary about “A Tribe Called Quest” for the past few years, and it is set to release at Sundace Film Festival next month. There is also some drama going down as well, with ATCQ member, Q-Tip, who is not supporting the film, due to the film showing an argument of him, and Phife Dawg accusing each other as being the reason why the group isn’t together anymore. This is going to be a great film, and I can’t wait for it to come out.

Here’s Q-Tip’s Tweet, basically disowning the film:
“I am not in support of the A Tribe Called Quest documentary. The filmmaker should respect the band to the point of honoring the few requests that’s was made abt the piece. The filmmaker shld respect the band enough to honor our request regarding the the film”

info via PrefixMag

The Record Wall @ Mono+Mono in NY

The old homie, Patrick, aka DJ Bhuddabong, sent me a link to this dope restaurant called Mono+Mono in NY, that has an amazing record wall, with more than 100,000 records in their library.  From what he told me, they only play jazz up in there, and serve up Korean fried chicken!  A match made in heaven.  Thanks man!